Questionnaire For Companies

Startup Stage *

What are the current coding skills and experience levels of your employees?(Select all that apply) *

Do you have any dedicated in house developers/programmers? *

Training and Hiring Needs:

Do you currently offer any coding training or development opportunities for your employees? *

If yes, what types of coding training do you offer?(Select all that apply)

In addition to training, are you interested in potentially hiring individuals with coding skills through our training program? *

If yes, what types of skills and experience are you looking for in potential hires (Select all that apply )

What advantage could support your willingness for remote hires? (Select all that apply) *

Would you consider hiring individuals with coding skills remotely, specifically from Yemen? *

If yes, what are your biggest concerns or considerations regarding remote hiring from Yemen? (Select all that apply)

Would You Be Willing To Participate In A Hosting Trainees For Remote Internship Or On-Job Training? *

If No, Are There Any Specific Conditions Under Which You Might Consider Remote Hiring Yemen?(PLease specify)

Additional Information:

Is There Anything Else You Would Like To Share About Your Coding Training Needs Or Preferences?